my book

Forum discussion tagged with my book.
  1. SennaSempre

    Question Water-Damaged WD MyBook Studio Edition II Quad Interface 6TB

    Hello, this is my 1st post and the reason why I joined. I have a water-damaged hard drive 6TB that had water on-or-in it for 1 day and then I dried it out. I see no water corrosion damage anywhere on the drive itself or the internal control board in the chassis or housing. This hard drive would...
  2. Praveen926

    Chepeast 144hz or 120hz monitor.

    All in the question. Here are my specs if you need i5 6500. GTX 1060 6GB, 8GB. Don't ask me for budget since I need to know the cheapest on earth. IDC about branding and looks tho. :)
  3. B

    Speakers sound resonance / distortion

    Hello, I own companion 20 pc speakers and I am quite happy with the sound quality. The only problem is when I play some music, with what seems a frequency problem. For example when playing this song around 20 - 30 sec I can hear the sound that trembles a bit, like if the walls were trembling...