mystery problem

Forum discussion tagged with mystery problem.
  1. Davoda1

    Question If I change a component on the PC it will no longer boot ?

    As in not boot I mean no power to any component just to the power button there is no reaction, no lights nothing. About the system: It has both Win11 and Linux on it tho that shouldn't have any effect and the motherboard is a ASRock B560M-ITX/ac with BIOS version:: P2.00 (yes there is an update...
  2. OhThatsNotGood

    Question Weird question - is there anything that would come out an exhaust fan that would be bad to breathe?

    Reading the title I realize I sound like a murderer-in-planning, but I've been having breathing problems as of late. I had exercise-induced asthma very rarely as a kid, and since then only touched my inhaler once in the next ten years at the very start of the pandemic, when I got a mild case...