
Forum discussion tagged with netis.
  1. C

    Question How to install OpenWRT on a Netis WF2409E Router ?

    I'm trying to install OpenWRT on my Netis WF2409E router. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any official support for this model on the OpenWRT website. Despite this, I still want to attempt the installation. Here are my questions: 1. Has anyone successfully installed OpenWrt on the Netis WF2409E...
  2. Rafat_RiVay

    Question NETIS router QoS configuration is not giving the expected results ?

    i am using netis DL4323 and i have set up QoS rule to prioritize my phone over the other devices "so when i play my ping doesn't drop massively" but it doesn't seem to work sadly, is there any help on how should i be doing it? i had the src and des mac set as my phone's mac, the src ip and...
  3. H

    [SOLVED] How to monitor the internet usage of the whole house?

    Hello, As the title say, How can I monitor the internet usage of the whole house? My current router: Netis WF2409E I've already logged into the, but haven't found something useful, expect this: Thanks!