network upgrade

Forum discussion tagged with network upgrade.
  1. A

    [SOLVED] Need advice on upgrading my home network

    I'm currently in the mits of upgrading my home network and I'm tad out of my depth so any advice would be most appreciated. The problem: The home network has a number of deadlines due to channel overlapping/saturation on 2.4GHz network (5Ghz is less saturated but range is a problem). What im...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] Do I need to upgrade my ethernet cable from ONT to router?

    So about six months ago I upgraded all of the cat5e drops in my home to cat6. However the line from my ONT to the my hub where my router is located is still cat5e. Should I upgrade to at least a cat6 or cat6e. My biggest concern is that the cat5e line is congested since it can't handle the...