no display on monitor

Forum discussion tagged with no display on monitor.
  1. S

    Question No Display from TV thru HDMI on startup and doesn't show BIOS neither

    Hello, first time poster here, am having a bit of an issue. As the title states when I start up my PC my TV doesn't seem to pick up any type of signal anymore thru HDMI connection, seemingly out of nowhere. I don't have an actual monitor and use a TV and have used it for years and the TV still...
  2. W

    [SOLVED] My DisplayPort will not show up as "active" and neither will my HDMI cable ?

    So I just finished building my gaming pc yesterday but when I go turn it on my pc I see that every fan spinning, every rgb light turnt on so I look over to my monitor nothing happens (keep in mind I have everything plugged firmly such as my dp into the graphics card and HDMI into the graphics)...