noctis 450 rog

Forum discussion tagged with noctis 450 rog.
  1. Djavuln

    Question Case only has 1 front panel cable? (powersw cable)

    title says it all, mildly confused since I've seen most people have quite a few more than I do, I'm a bit of a noob so for now my only theory is that the other cables are preassembled in the back side where the hubs are (using noctis 450 rog)
  2. Djavuln

    Question Help with cables for noctis 450 rog

    Hey so I've been building my pc and now I've stumbled upon something very confusing, I was plugging most of the cables in and noticed that I had a cable that looked like this: View: now this got me rather confused because I have no clue where this goes, I have the...