
Forum discussion tagged with ntoskrnl.dll.
  1. 4

    Question ASUS GR6 - BSOD on cold boot WIN10 (NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE - hal.dll)

    Hello Guys, Im having a problem with my GR6, as it crashes constantly with NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE. It does crash only on first run (cold boot) after a peroid of being shut off and after it automatically restarts its OK. The crash appears few minutes or seconds from start. Specs: OS Win 10 x64...
  2. N

    Need help on getting a new motherboard.

    Looking for a new motherboard but I need help on which one (preferably Asus or if you can find a better one) to get, right now my spec is: ASROCK H97M Pro4 I7 4770 Nvidia Gtx 1070 Amazon:https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B01GVHNW3W/ref=ya_aw_od_pi?ie=UTF8&psc=1 2 HDD 650W PSU...