nvidia 1030

Forum discussion tagged with nvidia 1030.
  1. Matthias Böhm

    Question Make new graphics card compatible with old computer

    Hello, I've bought a new graphics card for my old computer because the old graphics card with the NVIDIA chip GT 610 isn't supported any more by Windows and Linux. The new graphics card I bought here has an NVIDIA GT 1030 chip which is still supported by NVIDIA. Unfortunately, my old computer...
  2. E

    Question High Desktop Window Manager Usage after installing second GPU ?

    Hi there, Today I got a secondhand GT 1030 that I needed just to expand the amount of display outputs I could have/extra convenience. My main GPU is a 3070 Ti. I'm noticing that anytime I try playing a video on any of the monitors connected to the 1030, or simply doing something as simple as...
  3. daniyal3211

    Question Is My PC with Foxconn 2ADA compatible with Nvidia GT 1030?

    I am planning to buy a new graphics card to replace my older one since my old one is not good enough for gaming, but before I do that I was wondering if it will fit or not. Please help
  4. L

    [SOLVED] GT 1030 Passive Cooled

    Hi, i need a little help and advise please I have a GT 1030 Passive cooled and it games decent on lower settings but im afraid since its passive cooled, It might heat up and bottleneck or even overheat if i'm not mistaken My question is can i game on it ,it being passive cooled and is...
  5. naivettv

    [SOLVED] Nvidia Geforce 1030 SLI Compatability

    I currently have a Nvidia GTX 1060 in my computer, and I just installed a Nvidia GT 1030 as well. Everything seems to work fine but I noticed I can't see the 1030 using task manager or any other program I have to check my specs and so I dont know if it is actually doing anything. Both GPU fans...
  6. Naik0n

    [SOLVED] AOC G2460PF monitor on NVIDIA 1030 not going to 144hz

    Hello guys , i just bought myself a new monitor ( AOC G2460PF 144hz freesync ) and the problem is that its not going to 144hz , the most i can get is 120hz . Is it because i have a bad GPU ( Nvidia 1030 2gb ) ? Or is something that im doing wrong ? I tried with different cables such as DVI or...
  7. Koushik Das Sunny

    [SOLVED] DH67BL, I5 2400, 12GB Ram. GTA 5 installation Issue

    I have Intel DH67BL Mobo, I5-2400, Gt 1030, Win 7 64bit, 12GB RAM I want to install GTA 5 but ISDone.dll & Unarc.dll file missing and I downloaded & Paste System32 from Google. Is there Good or Bad ?
  8. akaikisaki

    [SOLVED] Nvidia GT 1030 and Radeon RX 560

    Hi All, Could you please help me in deciding which of these two GPUs I should go for? Nvidia GT 1030 https://www.amazon.in/Zotac-Nvidia-Graphic-Firestorm-DirectX/dp/B071NPW8CK/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=gt+1030&qid=1571198844&sr=8-3 Radeon RX 560 OC 4GB...
  9. K

    Question Motherboards

    Hi everyone! I have a motherboard ASUS CM6850.I just want to know if it can use GeForce GT 1030 OC 2G Graphics Card before buying one.Thanks