Nvidia 770GTX

Forum discussion tagged with Nvidia 770GTX.
  1. K

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 can't find GPU

    I haven't used my PC for gaming purposes for a while. A few days ago, I tried playing League of Legends and only got < 10FPS. Eventually found out Windows couldn't find my Nvidia Gigabyte GTX 770. Device manager only sees Microsoft Basic Display Adapter as a GPU. When trying to install the...
  2. S

    Gpu never hits 100% usage

    I OC'd my 270X to 1260Mhz on the core and didn't touch the memory clock and I also overclocked my FX-8320 to 4.1Ghz and my resolution is 1366x768. The problem is that whenever I look at MSI afterburner while playing games the GPU usage is floating at around 95-99% and it has never hit 100% even...