nvidia graphic driver

Forum discussion tagged with nvidia graphic driver.
  1. ke5tgd

    Question Video Driver Crash: Windows 10, GTX 970. Looking for trouble shooting advice.

    Hello all, I've have a problem that is resulting in what I believe to be a video driver crash. This is a recurring issue that has persisted over many months and through many common fixes. The Symptoms: Audio glitch, Audio output holds a note or tone for maybe a tenth of a second when the problem...
  2. T

    [SOLVED] Nvidia Control Panel automatically disables one display when Windows restarts ?

    I have a triple monitor setup, and when all three monitors are working fine and I shut down my computer and turn back again, all three start just fine. But when I restart, one of the monitors gets automatically disabled on the Nvidia control panel for no reason. then I have to go to the control...