nvidia vs amd

Forum discussion tagged with nvidia vs amd.
  1. Iver Hicarte

    Question Why Does Nvidia Keep Making GPUs that Have Low VRAM?

    I read and heard somewhere (I can't recall exactly where) that Nvidia can get away with lower VRAM with their GPUs compared to their AMD counterparts since they have mastered something in relation to "Lossless Image Compression". If I'm not mistaken and from how I understand it, it works just...
  2. U

    Best cooler for i5-6500?

    Hi, I currently have stock cooler for i5-6500 and I need some better cooler than than. Stock cooler is perfoming average but with summer coming I wanted to buy some cheap cooler that performs better than stock cooler so I was looking for Cooler Master 412r, is that good cooler and can someone...
  3. A

    SSD Setting Question 32-bit Transfers

    I recently purchased a used macbook SSD to use as a Windows OS Boot drive. I cloned the old drive using easUS and it wouldn't boot. I disabled and enabled a bunch things in Bios, but disabled 32-bit tranfers in the drive settings and the drive boots. I returned everything back to the default...
  4. D

    Is the cool master 212 evo or plus good enough for i7 4770k and will it fit in my case

    Hey guys/girls! I'm kinda confused ATM... so i'm looking to get a CPU cooler for my i7 4770k. Right now i'm using its integrated graphics, and when i open world of Warcraft it gets all the way up to 90c so obviously the stock cooler is not cutting it. I've been looking at the cool master 212...
  5. B

    Opinions and suggestions on planned new single gpu M-ITX system.

    Hi! I'm planning a new rig and I was wondering if perhaps you knowledgable folks here on Tom's Hardware would like to give me your two cents on my setup. Before we go any further I must tell you that the last time i built a computer Riva TNT and 3DFX Voodoo were the shit. So, if I seem like a...
  6. S

    Farcry 2, Fire is invisible??

    Just got farcry 2 fortunes pack today at a sale, Games good so far, i'm about 20 minutes in but after using a molotov and seeing cars explode.. i heard fire, but never saw any, so i went close and got burned! I tried reloading the game and messing with display settings, but its still not...