Forum discussion tagged with ODIN.
  1. editor1

    Question How do I know if the stock ROM I downloaded is safe ?

    Hi I bricked my phone and now I need a ROM for my on5 g550t1. I spent over 20hr over the past 3 days trying to find/fix the ROM. Many stock ROM's I try'd would fail. I used ODIN. I don't remember witch of these I used that worked ; G550T1UVU2AQC4_6.0.1_4File_USA Metro PCS (folder with AP, BL...
  2. E

    How do I find my Processor is working or not??

    My system is not working.. No display, No sound.... I check with other MB, RAM & SMPS also, same problem. When I power on the machine, after few seconds processor fan restarting. Spec: Intel Pentium G3240 3.1 GHZ, Asus H81M-CS Motherboard, 2 GB DDR3 RAM

    Overclock EVGA GTX Titan Black

    One of my friend is looking to get GTX Titan Black for work related purpose. How easy is it to over-clock the standard EVGA Titan Black clocked speed to match with the clock speed of the “Superclock version”. The system that he is running is fully water cooling loop