on and off cycle

Forum discussion tagged with on and off cycle.
  1. parama3500

    Question PC randomly turns off and back on immediately. (Temps fine, no dust buildup)

    Around a month ago, suddenly my PC would freeze, that I cant do anything other than turn it off physically. This happened both when PC was idle or under load. However, this issue automatically resolved. Then now, I'm having a new issue. Also happens both when idle and under load, also when...
  2. parama3500

    Question PC works fine, powers off (no bsod) and turns on after a second.

    It's not due to overheating, I checked, nor due to dust, I cleaned and reassembled. I would just work on my PC, and suddenly it turns off as if the electricity went down, and then maybe 2 seconds later it turns back on, and task managers Up Time is reset. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, it...
  3. E

    Question I turned off automatic repair and now it cycles on and off

    So I had the problem that my computer couldnt boot anymore as it would just show "Automatic Repair couldnt repair your computer" on a blue screen. I tried every fix I could find online but nothing worked. The last thing i tried was telling the computer to ignoreallfailures (automatic repair) in...