on board graphics

Forum discussion tagged with on board graphics.
  1. xxthomas94

    [SOLVED] On board graphics

    So for a simple PC that is only going to be used for word and homework, will the on board graphics vega 11 work fine?
  2. R

    Headphone jack and USB ports not working (2460G4)

    Hi, so ive had this 2460G4 AOC monitor for a while now, and i just got some new speakers that i was wanting to use, i already have my headphones plugged directly into my PC so i cant plug the speakers in there. So i went to plug the speakers into my monitor but nothing happened, to check the...
  3. CAaronD

    Far Cry 4 FPS lag?

    I haven't been on the game in about 5 months. Today I decided to launch it back up. I am running it on max settings 1080p, and previously was able to achieve a constant 60 FPS with drops to only 50. But now when I play, I am getting frames of a constant 30-40 with drops to 20 FPS on the same...
  4. S

    need help finding best sp fans 120mm

    hey guys i have the cool master nepton 240m id like to do push/pull what fans are better then http://www.coolermaster.com/cooling/case-fan/silencio-fp-120-pwm/ Silencio FP 120 PWM its hard to find an other set of those fans so i was thinking to just upgrade and get 4. i have a red and black...