optiplex 3020

Forum discussion tagged with optiplex 3020.
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    [SOLVED] I built a sleeper a few years ago, and it never posted. Not once. Help.

    When I was about 12 I tried building a PC In 2019 I bought a faulty OptiPlex motherboard of Newegg https://www.newegg.com/p/1JW-000H-00NA1?Item=9SIAH9B93X5283 A 4gb ddr3 ram stick from crucial An i7 4770k priced at 177.70 at the time I bought it. (it was originally priced at 97 usd, but...
  2. J

    [SOLVED] Power Supply recommendation

    I'm thinking of buying an optiplex 3020 mt link: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Dell-Optiplex-3020-MT-Intel-Quad-Core-i5-4590-3-3GHz-16GB-RAM-1TB-HDD-Windows-10/264697600373?hash=item3da134d975:g:fZAAAOSw~5ReFiV~ Can Someone recommend a power supply that will fit the pc and will work with xfx rx...
  3. W

    Question Optiplex 3020 Power Supply and Graphics Card Upgrade

    I'm trying to upgrade my Optiplex by installing an RX 480 and a new 500 watt EVGA PSU. I'm using a 24 pin to 8 pin adapter, as I've seen people successfully do on youtube. The system worked fine before the upgrade, but now it wont post. The fans spin up, and I'm left with a blinking amber power...
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    [SOLVED] Will GTX 680 Work With Optiplex 3020

    Hello, I am really new to building pc's i have never even built one so i want to start slow by upgrading my old PC I can't find any post about GTX 680, or maybe i wasn't just looking in the right place So i want to ask if you can put GTX 680 into optiplex 3020 My speculations is that the power...