OS Help

Forum discussion tagged with OS Help.
  1. Brontinith

    Question Drive (with windows installed) Appearing in Bios but is Not Appearing in my UEFI Boot Options

    I am seeking help. I recently decided to ditch my 128GB ssd I bought back in 2014 thats been housing my OS and I have been attempting to move to a 1tb 970 evo m.2. I decided to do a fresh install, since its been some time since Ive done one and i cant get my drive to appear in my UEFI boot...
  2. H

    mouse software problem

    Hello, Okay so, I started to update the mouse software (GIGABYTE XTREME GAMING ENGINE) and during that I got some error while it was installing the update (ofc I was stupid enough not to take the error code up...). After that my mouse didn't move anywhere I did restart my PC, once I did get in...