overclocking fail

Forum discussion tagged with overclocking fail.
  1. Thrival

    [SOLVED] X99-A upgrading 8gb to 16gb either not seen/booting errors/ oc fail

    Hi, I'm newly registered but have always been coming across this site for random pc bits. I've been trying to find answers here and elsewhere to help me figure this out, so if I'm repeating a redundant thread I'm sorry. I'm overall inexperienced and probably have a question that's been asked...
  2. E

    12v molex not working

    Im trying to put some RGB leds in my pc. I did not work so i tried to test if there was coming any 12v from my psu to the molex and i got nothing and then i tried 6v and that 1 got power but my rgbs need 12v to work im using 3m rgb strip / 90 rgbs my rgb controller specs: model: MY302 Input...