overclocking q6700

Forum discussion tagged with overclocking q6700.
  1. L

    Question Is Core 2 Duo E7400-7600 better than E8600 in overclocking?

    Sorry everyone. I am the newbie in Overclocking. These questions may be very old. But after three months to search in the forum, I still can’t find the answer. So, I hope everyone can help me. My spec: Main: P5Q-Pro RAM: 8GB DDR2 800Mhz PSU: Masterwatt Cooler Master 650 1/ I need to overclock...
  2. Z

    First PC build

    I'm planning to build my first rig with the following parts: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/BFwLYJ How will this build hold up to games like BF4, COD: BO2, Bioshock series, Skyrim, and some MOBA games at med-high settings? Is the cpu enough or should i go for an i5-4460? I'm trying to keep the...