overwatch 2

Forum discussion tagged with overwatch 2.
  1. Merge.-

    Question FPS issues despite no obvious bottleneck

    Hey I’m currently experiencing some fps issues and would really appreciate some advice, GPU and CPU temps less than ~60°C and usage isn’t being pushed past ~ 50%, RAM was at ~95+% so i upgraded to 32GBs, and the issue was initially gone and Overwatch was running around the 600fps cap. For some...
  2. angurishu

    Question (i5-12400 & RTX 4070) Low CPU and GPU usage.

    Essentially, I upgraded my GPU from an RX 580 (AMD) to an NVIDIA RTX 4070, used DDU, and cleaned every single possible thing, but for some reason, in most games, specifically Overwatch 2, my CPU usage hovers around 30–40% and my GPU usage is 20–40% on high settings. I'm playing the games in...
  3. smoochiepook

    Question Need help reading traceroute and pathping results

    I'll go ahead and describe the issue I've been having first. Suddenly started experiencing high ping spikes (300-400ms) in-game a couple weeks ago. As far as I know (since I don't have any other games I can test), this problem only occurs in Overwatch. I can browse websites and watch videos...
  4. E

    Question Overwatch 2 - Audio Cuts Out and Delays Microphone Input

    Heya Guys, I've encountered a really odd issue which I've been facing with only Overwatch 2 alone - every now and then I'll be playing the game with my friends on discord, and my entire desktop audio will cut out for around 3-5 seconds, come back fully in sync with my entire desktop and game...
  5. milzer

    Question Major sound bug on overwatch 2

    Hello and good evening; I have a major problem: when i launch overwatch 2, an abnormal, robotic and shrill sound is present. It reverberates heavily and sounds a bit like something you would get from a bizarre feedback loop. It goes from these weird bleeping sounds to no sound at all. (Video at...