partition copy

Forum discussion tagged with partition copy.
  1. Z

    [SOLVED] 3TB on a 2TB drive, how to remove erroneous copy of Windows10 OS on SSD?

    Hello all, Some mistakes seem to have been made. I cloned my OS from a hard drive to new Samsung 2TB 990 PRO SSD using DiskGenius. After doing so I noticed my disk usage was always 100%. Looking into it, I find that the 2TB SSD has 3TB of OS partitioned. 1TB for my new C drive, and 2 for...
  2. B

    Question clonezilla clone partition to image and than restore partition from image. Questions

    Hi guys, I'm trying to use clonezilla to migrate a windows OS installed into an ssd (512mb) to an ssd more larger(1TB). I have copied the image of the partition on a third hdd drive and it has works fine. Now I'm not sure what exactly I have to do. I have some question to recovery from image...