pc boot issues

Forum discussion tagged with pc boot issues.
  1. Mac7648

    Question Cusom build has very odd issues after power outtage.

    Updated - full details below in post (10/28/24) - new CMOS battery out for 30 sec an reinstalled and all external usb cables unplugged system boots from pwr btn. Can shut down and cold pwr on. left over night and now cannot power sys on. "Main story" I had a power outage on Thursday last week...
  2. poopooinmypants

    Question Boot Issues?

    Hello, I'm currently having problems with attempting to install Windows 10 to my PC. My specs are Ryzen 7, Gigabyte RTX 3070, MSI B550 Gaming Plus Motherboard, Crucial 32 GB Ram (I only have one 16 GB stick in rn), and a WD Blue M.2 SSD . As a precursor to the problem I'm having I ask you to...
  3. T

    [SOLVED] Brand new computer build fails to boot windows (or even run MemTest86) during install.

    Specs: i7-9700k MSI MPG Z390 Gaming Plus Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB Samsung 870 QVO 1TB A pair of old HDDs that haven't been plugged in Windows 10 Home AresGame AGK750 Modular PSU Geforce GTX 1050 TI (MSI Nvidia model and is the one thing that I know works since I had it in my previous "build")...
  4. O

    [SOLVED] Pc powers on, then off about 2 times, then boots normally

    So I had my pc in sleep mode, I tried to wake it and it started making rapid beeping noises, so I powered it off then on again but it switched itself off then when it came back on it tried to boot to bios for no reason before switching off again, it then restarted again and again, that’s when...
  5. B

    Question [FIXED] System won’t even get close to booting after HDD install ?

    I recently installed an old hard drive to recover some of my old files including some very old Minecraft worlds (for nostalgia), but after the install my pc wouldn’t even boot anymore. At first I misplaced the power button header on the motherboard, but even after I seated it correctly it , the...