pc build 2024

Forum discussion tagged with pc build 2024.
  1. Jonathon989

    Build Advice Pc build for about 1500 euros

    Hey Guys, I want to build a PC that can play CK 3, Starcraft II and Jedi Survivor(in good performance) I am new to all things considered PC-Oriented and i wanted to ask if someone could help me find a build for about 1500 Euros (I live in Germany). I tried to learn about Pc's before but i...
  2. C

    Question PC Build suggestions for 14600k and RTX 4070 super

    So I´ve recently bought an i5 14600k and an RTX 4070 super to replace my aging i7 7700k with GTX 1070. I need recommendations for MOBO, RAMs. I live in Brazil, where prices are about 50% higher than US so I managed to get myself those more expensive parts in the US and now have to get the rest...
  3. Yaya Kane

    Question CPU, GPU and Motherboard compatibility

    Hi, I wanted to build my first PC, but I'm a complete beginner. So, I went here to ask if my components are compatible with each other, what component you guys think I should buy and did I miss a component. Here are the components I'm considering or already purchased: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X...