#pc problem

Forum discussion tagged with #pc problem.
  1. leo_hine

    Question My PC isn't starting correctly ?

    When i press the power button, the display just turns on and off every 10 seconds to a "GIGABYTE [Insist on Ultra Durable]" screen. I'm unsure what the problem is. All my cables are properly plugged in but my motherboard's red light is just cycling through CPU --> DRAM --> VGA --> BOOT, and I'm...
  2. bharath_yonko

    Question Wi-Fi stopped working after power cut, tried everything but no luck

    Hi everyone, I’m pretty new to PCs, so I’d appreciate any help here. My Wi-Fi stopped working about a week ago, and I’ve tried a lot of things with no success. Here’s what happened: I was downloading God of War from Steam using my mobile hotspot, and suddenly, there was a power cut. My PC...
  3. B

    Question Hello I am somewhat new to reading smart data and need help

    basically, i need help with this HDD is there anything I need to be worried about
  4. Jason534

    Question New GPU doesn't work on my HP PC ?

    hi i just bought an MSI GTX 750 Ti for my HP Pro 3300 Microtower PC but when I install it there is just the HP logo and 3 beeps and after that my monitor turns into a black screen with a blinking underscore. I don't know what to do now. The GTX 750 Ti doesn't t need any extra power.
  5. neonmikey

    Question Graphics Card Lagging after cleaning it

    My gpu is lagging after cleaning and l tried benchmarking it was 5 fps - 15fps , l tried after msi afterburner and it didn't work l tried some games like jump force , Dragon ball , and Garry mod Jump force was 5 - 10 fps Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 10 - 15 fps Garry mod 30 - 40 fps And l...
  6. I

    Question PC won't turn on after it suddenly turned off in mid-game ?

    So I was mid game and my pc suddenly turned off i thought the wire moved so the power got cut off I tired to check but the GPu white light was on so I tired to turn it on again but all the rgbs showed for 1 seconds and everything turned off again
  7. J

    Question PC fans are spinning but PC isn't beeping or giving any video output ?

    Hi, recently i got out my old pc and turned it on. but it isn't beeping it's only spinning fans up and nothing else. i replaced CPU but that didn't worked out. any ideas how to fix that ??? i tried almost everything changing bios battery or resetting jumper nothing worked out
  8. doomsday00000

    Question Apps & Games randomly close and I can't find out why ?

    hello. this has been a massive pain for awhile and i have just felt so annoyed and lost on this. it all started with my browsers randomly closing. no crash or error just closing. then it became discord. then it became random applications. then it became games. i tried and tried to fix it but...