pc ugprade

Forum discussion tagged with pc ugprade.
  1. bluebadger12

    Question PC Upgrade Help

    Looking for some help regarding newer computer parts. It's been almost 8 years since I built my first tower, and while at the time I considered myself to be fairly knowledgeable in the parts scene, I have no idea what is good and what isn't nowadays. Basically, I am looking to upgrade my PC to...
  2. Rocky6

    [SOLVED] i need some serious advice and suggetions

    my current specs: cpu: i5 3570 @3.40Ghz ram, : ddr3 hyperx fury 1886Mhz, Gpu: Geforce GTX 1050 ti OC edition ,psu: 350w I mainly play fortnite and some good grahics game like gta 5, forza horizon , pubg pc etc , but from sometime idk why the cpy goes up to 91 degree c* didnt do anything that...
  3. O

    Question how easily compatible are pc cases

    My pc is a dell optipex 7010 dt . It comes in a low profile case and I found out that it only has a 50 watt gpu slot. As the gpus I want to use require more power than that I would like one with a 6 pin connector. The only problem is that lp cards don't come with these. So I am wondering how...
  4. S

    Question Will this power supply fit in my case?

    So im looking for a PC upgrade, but to upgrade my GPU i've decided that i need a PSU upgrade. (current GPU GTX 1050 TI and i want to upgrade to AMD RX 570/580/590 i still cant decide). I have a Asus prime B250M-K MicroATX motherboard and my current PSU is CHIEFTEC ATX 2.3 500W PFC 80+ GPA-500S8...