
Forum discussion tagged with photography.
  1. uuu

    B&H Shipped me my order with the actual camera missing.

    Got kind of a weird one here. I ordered a new camera from B&H and when I opened the box today... there was no camera inside. Just the charger, books, flash, strap, wall adapter, etc. No actual physical camera body, or battery for that matter. There was NOT a place for the camera to be placed...
  2. G

    Question Monitor Recommendations for Animation and Photography

    I'm looking for a monitor for 3d animation and photorgaphy purposes. I'm currently an animation student, but also plan to do some freelance photography work. I also do a bit of gaming, mostly single player cinematic and RPGs. I've been looking at the SW2700PT($599) for a while now and thought it...
  3. T

    [SOLVED] Looking for opinions on what to downgrade on PC build

    Hey everyone, so I am building a PC for Gaming and Photo Editing with LightRoom/Photoshop and my budget is supposed to be $2500. I will post the component parts below - if you could help me reach budget I would be very grateful. Currently the build is WITHOUT a monitor, keyboard, mouse or Power...
  4. N

    Photojournalism + Travel Laptop - which should I pick?

    Hi everyone! I'm an aid worker/photojournalist and usually find myself in situations where I need a fairly solid laptop that can enable me to edit photos on Lightroom and Photoshop quickly/precisely (screen quality) on the go. I've saved up around $1,500 AUD (all prices are AUD), and love...
  5. R

    [SOLVED] (£700) Building a PC for Photoshop and Photography and also gaming

    Hey guys. Looking to get a new PC that I will be using for photoshop and for photography editing etc, but I also want to play games at like high or max settings with a good amount of FPS and I’m just wondering if anyone would be able to help me pick out parts for the PC? I don’t need windows I...
  6. G

    [SOLVED] Which monitor would most suitable for my needs; photography, animation, and gaming?

    I'm trying to decide which monitor to get. So far, I've narrowed my top 2 choices to the Benq SW2700PT and the Samsung Qled C27HG70. Let me know If their is a better option I haven't considered. I Plan on using the monitor for editing my photographs. I'm a student and don't plan on making prints...
  7. J

    [SOLVED] Best camera for nature photography in the 400-500$ price range

    I'm gonna be going to maine this summer and would like to get the best camera for nature photography that I can with 400-500 $. I'm a noob too so some other tips would be much appreciated!
  8. S

    Question What settings do I use to take a gaming setup photo

    Hey! I have a great gaming setup and camera (Canon EOS 650D), but I can't seem to get the correct configuration to take a good photo of my setup. I have blue RGB strips in my room, but I just want detail in my photos, I can't seem to get that. Any ideas? Heres the best photo I've managed to...
  9. M

    [SOLVED] Best (budget) build for heavy motion graphics, 2D/ 3D animation, 4k video editing, AND gaming?

    Hello! This is my first time posting here, so please forgive me if this topic has been addressed a bunch of times. I've been reading through the threads, and the most recent similar one I could find was posted in 2017, and I'm looking for up-to-date recommendations. I'm currently an MFA Film...