pin connector

Forum discussion tagged with pin connector.
  1. TheGrognardling

    Question Missing connector pin on PSU-to-motherboard connection

    Hello all, how drastically will missing this connector pin on PSU-to-motherboard connection in my PC affect things, and assuming that a fix is absolutely necessary, what are some methods and/or solutions to fix this problem?
  2. K

    [SOLVED] My pc has power but no activity

    Hi. I came down this morning to turn on my computer to find that it now isn't working. I have replaced my PSU with a stronger one (to 500 from 400) but still the same. All of my fans start and gpu fan. No LED on power button. Power button no longer will turn machine off when held. Please...
  3. T

    Help me find a game i used to play

    Console: I played it on original xbox not sure if xbox exclusive It had a name similar to Tak or Thok, something like that. In the cover appears the main character in like the left side My memories are qlmost none I rwmember something like a fight (bossfight maybe?) in a train You had to...