#ping #internet

Forum discussion tagged with #ping #internet.
  1. D

    Question High internet speeds with high latency.

    Hi, My pc is connected to a lan cable. the internet speeds I get are 300mb/s download and 128mb/s upload. ive run ping tests and all has come back fine. My internet went down one day and when it was back up and running the problems started. I'm getting 176ms ping in games with packet loss. I've...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] Wifi wont stop spiking to 3000 ms and ive done everything.

    I have tried factory resetting my pc, getting a new wifi adapter, contacting my isp, and contacting microsoft twice, but my internet wont stop spiking to 3000. Reply from bytes=32 time=6ms TTL=56 Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=56 Reply from bytes=32 time=6ms...