Please send help

Forum discussion tagged with Please send help.
  1. D

    Question I enabled UEFI secure boot and now I can’t boot to bios???!!!

    I enabled UEFI secure boot and now my pc won’t boot to bios??? When I click the power button the pc turns on and the lights from my keyboard light up but the screen is black and there is no sign of the bios. I tried to fit f2, f10, f12, and del to try and go into bios setting but nothing happens...
  2. D

    Question Motherboard shows leds but won’t post

    So I had just built myself a new gaming pc as my old one was getting outdated and when I first assembled it it worked fine didn’t have any problems then one day I went to go turn it in and it would not boot only show leds so the first thing I did was go through all the tests under the sun I...
  3. W

    Question Modem receives 118Mbit/s↓ and 13Mbit/s↑, on any device the upload speed is fine, the download speed doesn't exceed ~1.5Mbit

    What the title says. The modem is a D-Link DVA-5592, FTTC up to 200Mbit, I tried different speedtests on my desktop computer and on 3 other devices (1 iPhone, and 2 laptops). Talking about my PC, it's using a TP-Link AC600 Wireless Dual Band USB Adapter that goes up to 150Mbps on the 2.4Ghz...
  4. B

    is the network card in my computer bad?

    the reason why im asking this question is because one of the laptops i have is currently stuggling connecting to the internet ill explain: ive restarted my computer when i do every once in awhile it will connect for like 5 minutes and then stop working, the laptop still says its connected but...