Power Phase

Forum discussion tagged with Power Phase.
  1. AbolfazlSM

    [SOLVED] Is Intel DH67BL MB a good choice for i7 3770 + Gtx 1660

    Hi I had a H77 Gigabyte mobo but unfortunately it stopped working so currently Im using this setup: Worst H61 Gigabyte Mobo on the market (No sata 3 and no usb 3 😐) I5 2500 GTX 750ti 2gb 2400Mhz 1x8 gb (running in 1333Mhz speed) 2 HDD 1 sata SSD So as you can guess all of my components are...
  2. D

    a $450 build

    I am planning to build this summer with a $450 budget. Peripherals are not included since I already have some. Any recommendations or modifications? https://pcpartpicker.com/list/QxzLHN
  3. I

    Gaming Question help

    What fps-kind games can I play on this pc? : cpu intel i3-3217u 1.8ghz gpu intel hd 4000 ram 8gb os windows8 -------------- (i like stuff like battlefield 3 and cod but i want something new) not blacklight retribution or planetside 2