Power Unit

Forum discussion tagged with Power Unit.
  1. M

    Question Should i turn off my Power Unit after PC shutdown?

    Hi, so i wanted to know does power unit need to be off after pc shutdown? Today i encountered with weird situations, when i woke up and went to Turn On my PC and it not reacted.... I mean power turn button on case. Tried few times still nothing, then i tried return off/on Power Unit and now PC...
  2. daxfire

    Question PC freeze and crash randomly, possible motherboard freeze ?

    Hello, i've built a pc and since day one the pc freeze randomly, from every 15 minutes to 1 time a month. When it "freeze", the leds of my graphic card turns off, I lost the bluetooth and my controllers. I can still move my mouse and click on certain application for 2/3 (like saving something...
  3. xerxesaria

    [SOLVED] Corsair rm650 (2019)- sound

    Hi. I recently finished my new build. The build involves an Asus z490 motherboard which has slight rgb. It also involves an Asus gpu which also has rgb. When I shut down my pc, I notice that the lights of components don't turn off and the rgb remains slightly on. It is in this situation that I...
  4. AEX19629

    Question VERY HIGH POWER USAGE - Windows 10 - HELP FIX

    There's seems to be some problem with the power usage status on task manager. This has happened recently and has not happened before. All the components are around a month old, and I believe it may have happened after I did a windows update. I don't think it can be the PSU's problem since it is...
  5. H

    Should I upgrade?

    I have a pretty old computer and I would like to squeeze a little more performance for gaming if I could, before buying a new one a few years down the line. Specs: Graphics Card: Sapphire HD5770 1GB CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition 3.20GHz Mobo: MSI 770-G45 RAM...