
Forum discussion tagged with Poweronselftest.
  1. A

    [SOLVED] Motherboard issue?

    So a few weeks ago I randomly got a blue screen, checked the mini dumps it said "memory corruption one bit". I changed all the RAM slots, one at a time and figured out one had died( I now run with 12gb). After fixing that the PC was fine (one beep on startup). I didn't turn in on for a few days...
  2. S

    Asus X79-Deluxe CPU Overheating in BIOS

    New build. Booting into BIOS w/default settings, CPU temp and Fan RPMs will climb until the temperature bar is in the red (shut it down at 75 degrees Celsius). What is weird is that the problem only manifests in the BIOS. Booting into Win7 Pro, temps drop to an average 45 degrees and remain...