Pre-Built PC

Forum discussion tagged with Pre-Built PC.
  1. V

    Question Best upgrade from i5 8400 on h370 Board

    I'm looking to upgrade from an i5 8400 that is in my pre-built reason I'm wanting to upgrade: Far Cry 6 starts to stutter when my CPU hits 100% utilization( it's infrequent but it's annoying when it happens) Fortnite hiccups stutters every now and then (although lowering Graphics settings might...
  2. P

    [SOLVED] Adding gpu to pre-built PC?

    Is there any PC manufacturer would allow customers to add gpu to their new PC but still honour the PC warranty?
  3. RamPuri

    [SOLVED] Pre-built video editing PC

    Hi everyone, I found this pre-built video editing computer and I wanted to know whether it is value for money, or whether it is over priced? The Evolve 4K workstation offers a considerable step up in performance from our HD range, available with up to 18 CPU cores and dual NVIDIA GPUs...
  4. FenderTelecaster

    Question Advice on this pre-built

    Hi folks I've been eyeing this PC for some time and I'd like your opinion on whether it fits the price they're asking for. (link here: I calculated the price of parts myself and it looks like buying...
  5. L

    PC Build for about £500-£800

    Hi Just looking for a modest PC build. Main games are going to be quite demanding, so need a powerful machine.