So I built a pc for my wife and I had no issues booting and installing windows. Even started downloading games for her. Well it randomly shut itself off. Went into the preparing automatic repair and before that can do anything it shuts down again and starts the repair sequence again and keeps...
Hi guys,
I recently installed an older ssd into my pc because i needed more storage, and was planning on using the drive as a backup drive. After i installed it, my PC hasn't booted properly at all. Initially it started booting from the old ssd instead of my main ssd. windows went through an...
I just built a new gaming pc ( ) and i am torn between choosing a monitor for this build.
This build will be mainly used for gaming. I cant decide if i should go with a 1080p 144hz or 1440p 144hz monitor. The 1440p monitor is more pretty to look at, but...