Problem with booting PC

Forum discussion tagged with Problem with booting PC.
  1. P

    Question Hardware Failure

    Hello all, This is a strange one! I inadvertently plugged-in a usb 3.1 hub into the rear HDMI slot ( yes not good ). It crackled so I powered-down. Now it boots intermittently; most of the time, it won't boot. There are no fans, no beeps, nothing. If I remove all the cables and wait, it boots...
  2. kaede29

    Question Having a little problem turning on my pc

    Hello gentlemen, I would like to know what you recommend me to do, with this problem that I have the question is that I have been assembling my pc little by little and on November 28 of this year I have bought a graphics card gtx 1650 super 4g GDDR6 One-Fan, The question is that since I...
  3. J

    Question Screen all not working properly is this a GPU fauli

    Hi I have sold my strix 1060 pc and he is saying it is broken. It is posting and running though hdmi. He sent some images of the screen what I would like to know is if it is a GPU issue if so is it it fixable or if it an issue with the rest of the pc . And if it is fixable Thanks
  4. B

    Would my CPU bottleneck if I got a new GPU?

    My PC's gaming performance is pretty bad so I'm thinking about getting a new GPU. I was 100% sure that my CPU's gonna bottleneck while playing games with my new GPU, but it's worth a try asking you guys. I currently have an A10 7800 CPU and an R7 370 GPU I'm thinking about getting a GTX 980 PC...