Process Explorer

Forum discussion tagged with Process Explorer.
  1. U

    Question Does anyone know what "ntoskrnl.exe!Ordinal25" is?

    Hello! I have seen posts in this forum before in order to troubleshoot issues that I've had with my computer. You guys are super helpful, and I am asking for your help once again, because of an issue that really doesn't seem to have a solution online.... So, as you can see in the image...
  2. PauloSilva93

    Question How to identify what software/process conflict is causing stuttering?

    How to pinpoint what process/software conflict causing stutter in gameplay? Hi, for a while i had been having this wierd stuttering in all games i played, i since managed to limit these issues but the problem still happens, just less nowadays. In witcher 3 new gen, the latest patches have...
  3. KokoAkos

    Question High CPU usage for seconds cause massive FPS drops

    Hi. During the week, this problem appeared, which mainly occurs while playing, the CPU usage jumps up completely randomly for a few seconds. The fps drops from locked 120 to below 20. Thanks to Process Explorer, it was revealed that all this happens because of the "services.exe" system process...
  4. Aladdad

    R9 380 or GTX 960 With an i5 2400? also which PSU?

    so i have an old PC laying around that i haven't been using.. realized that i can.. looked into its specs: Gigabyte GA-P75-D3 i5 2400 2x4GB Hyperx 1600mhz Nvidia GT 610 500GB WD blue now for the current power supply it looks like a cheap one.. can't find anything on it just plain black PSU...