program files

Forum discussion tagged with program files.
  1. Jayhawker32

    [SOLVED] Program Files showing up on F Drive

    Not quite sure how to fix this. Program files popped up immediately on this drive even after formatting it. Only a single partition but windows obviously thinks it's critical to the OS it even encrypted it with Bitlocker. View:
  2. Cryorex

    [SOLVED] Installing Modern Games - Program Files (x86) vs Program Files

    I remember reading a while ago about how Program Files was for 64bit Software/Programs, while Program Files (x86) is for 32bit. So my question is, installing relatively modern(past few years) & modern games be affected in any way depending on their instillation location? Cheers! :)
  3. A

    Question I should have left it in its original location

    I was worried about potential space in SSD and wanted to move Program files to HDD to save space Created new folders in A: labeled "Program Files" and "Program Files (x86)" Powershelled Robocopy "C:\Program Files" "A:\Program Files" /mir Robocopy "C:\Program Files (x86)" "A:\Program Files...
  4. Z

    Question Demerge Download and Documents folder + Storage management

    Hi everyone. 1) I accidentally merge Downloads and Documents folder during managing my storage partition. So that how I can re-separate this two folders accordingly? 2) How to reduce and not used up storage space in C:/ in Program files, Program files (x86), and Users file? Can I move all...
  5. T

    What cable do i need ?

    What cable do i need to run a 75hz monitor ?
  6. D

    Kernel Security Check Failure, 0x139

    Hello community! I have a long-lasting problem with my PC, my good old friend, the Kernel Security Check Failure, bugcheckcode 0x139. Some time ago, I didn't had it very often, the error occured sporadly. But now, this error occures very often, even when I'm playing. And I can't find a...
  7. G

    Memory could not be written

    I've tried almost everything i know of, it seems to only happen with fortnite I've tried uninstalling it and reinstalling and it didn't work. Specs: i5 4690k rx 580 960Evo 250gb 1tb hdd h97m-e mobo 16gb of ram Error message:
  8. S

    In need of help with pc building

    Hello! Im going to build my first pc build in a few months! Im new in the pc building thing. I'd like to ask if anybody knows does my 450w power supply support these parts and are they compatible: Intel core i5-6600 3,3GHz Asus GeForce GTX 1060 DUAL -näytönohjain, 6GB GDDR5 Asus H170M-E D3...
  9. King_of_Connacht

    Cable management and cpu temps.

    Any suggestions on my cable management? I've been having trouble with the heat and noise my pc has been producing. I have decided to act on my problem now because I read somewhere that high temps cause your cpu to throttle, resulting in low frame rates. Images...
  10. sdpcuser2010

    NVIDIA Quadro is better than GeForce...right???

    I am a professional video editor who uses Premiere CC and After Effects. I have been looking at the nvidia quadro k4200 as a good upgrade from what I currently have. but I just saw the GeForce GTX980--and the...
  11. K

    I am Upgrading I need help

    hello guys i would like to upgrade my pc i have 8 gb ram 1333mhz i5 3450 3.1 ghz amd 6770 R 1gb Gddr5 Oced 550w blk psu Upgrade Components amd r9 290(NON X) tri-x OC edition for 340$ corsair vs series 650w i have three questiones 1.can this psu support this card without having any problems?btw...
  12. B

    Hibernation mode ON making boot twice as fast?

    So anyways, I like to disable Hibernation because my 120GB SSD doesn't like the 4GB of hiberfil.sys. When I disable hibernation, my boot times go from 15 seconds to 30 seconds. Very saddening. So does Windows 7 has a fast boot type of startup? I've done a whole lot of things to improve startup...