ps4 games on pc

Forum discussion tagged with ps4 games on pc.
  1. F

    Best way to connect a PS4 to PC?

    Title says all. I have a PS4 Pro and wanna go back to some of the titles that haven't been ported to PC just yet (Bloodborne, Ghost of Tsushima, Infamous, etc) There are two ways I've tried so far, both with its own flaws Connecting the PS4 to the HDMI port of my main monitor. It works without...
  2. P

    Are there any improvements I can make for my PC temperatures with my setup?

    I recently purchased a Corsair H55 water cooler, my 'under load' temp for my CPU was 60C once I got a new graphics card and started boosting my settings. I'm well aware how undesirable that number is lol. Once I installed what was supposed to be an upgrade, my ceiling for temps under load was...