
Forum discussion tagged with pshed.dll.
  1. Ertamperometer

    Question My computer is crashing from pshed.dll and I don't know what the solution to it crashing is. Help?

    Minidumps: Warning:I’m very ignorant and stupid. I’ve been having this issue for a while and now only decided to ask for help. I’m on Windows 11. My computer will...
  2. flooterino

    Question Random BSODs involving ntoskrnl.exe and PSHED.dll ?

    If I'm in the wrong section let me know. This is my first ever post. Hello! I do hope there's someone out there who's able to help me out with this. I build a (partly) new system and I'm getting BSODs with an WHEA Uncorrectable Error message. I already skimmed through tons of forum questions...
  3. S

    Question Windows 10 BSOD (ntoskrnl.exe+4b426a / PSHED.DLL+15b0 / WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR)

    Over the past week my computer has been experiencing BSOD errors during periods of high activity/multi-tasking. This takes place primarily during periods where I am playing video games that have higher requirements of my system. Looking at previous posts with similar issues, I downloaded...
  4. vehz

    Question whea_uncorrectable_error frequent BSOD

    I've been getting constant BSODs for the past 3 days after around 2-30 mins of usage. Not sure what seems to be triggering it because sometimes, I could just stay idle and it'll crash on its own. It crashes in Safe Mode as well. Did chkdsk, dism, sfc, ran memtest86 (8 passes 0 errors)...
  5. G


    Hello everyone, since a week of 2 I get BSoD's. In first place my PC freezed when I was gaming, I decided to buy/upgrade almost everything. (That was already the plan). Well the freezes are gone, but now I got BSoD like 1/2 times a day. I bought almost everything new, a new PC case, Mobo, CPU...
  6. 4

    Question ASUS GR6 - BSOD on cold boot WIN10 (NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE - hal.dll)

    Hello Guys, Im having a problem with my GR6, as it crashes constantly with NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE. It does crash only on first run (cold boot) after a peroid of being shut off and after it automatically restarts its OK. The crash appears few minutes or seconds from start. Specs: OS Win 10 x64...