radiator mounting

Forum discussion tagged with radiator mounting.
  1. L

    Question Front mounted radiator

    Is it okay to mount radiator in the front as intake? I can only mount it in the front of the case (I will be getting a new case in the future) but will it affect gpu and vrm temps massively or will it be alright? Gpu sits at around 56°c, the aio I am using is the maelstrom 240t on an i5 4670k...
  2. K

    Question CPU Cooler Upside-Down

    Disclaimer: this is my first time building a PC, so these might be dumb questions I got a bit over-excited when I got all my parts in, and started assembling without paying as close attention as I probably should've. After mounting my motherboard in my case, I noticed two things: 1.) The way I...
  3. Kogure

    Graphics card with 3x8 pin power - what PSU to use?

    Hello. I recently found this graphics card, which looks absolutely amazing: http://www.kfa2.com/kfa2/graphics-card/hof/kfa2-geforcer-gtx-1080-ti-hof.html But then I noticed the 3x8 pin power connector... While my 750W PSU does fit the 600W requirement, I've never seen a PCI-E power cable with...