raid recovery

Forum discussion tagged with raid recovery.
  1. E

    [SOLVED] RAID 10 recovery problem

    I have 4 disks of 1TB in RAID 10 with 2 NTFS partitions, one of 500GB and one of 1,3TB. After some time 2 disks of 4 are dead, and one has bad blocks but I can access it. Because this is an old computer I left it without a backup for some time ;-( With some programs like "ReclaiMe Free RAID...
  2. P

    Laptop power switch rewire

    Hello, I have a project that i'm working on. I am using a laptop motherboard in a traditional PC case. Now as you can imagine, the main power switch is in a odd place. My goal is to wire up the switch that is on the PC case to the motherboard. I have to apologize but I couldn't find a better...