
Forum discussion tagged with Raid5.
  1. W

    Question Odd problem with RocketRaid 2320

    I've e-mailed Highpoint regarding this issue, and am apparently being hung out to dry. Have had five 250Gb HDDs in a RAID5 on this controller for years and years. Recently, it began showing up as 'critical' due to a single failing drive. I added in a new spare, and started the rebuild...
  2. T

    Question Internal HW RAID5 M.2 NVMe

    I'm trying to add an internal 10-15TB RAID5 M.2 NVMe PCIe 4.0 data drive to a Win 10 Pro PC based on Gigabyte X570S Aorus Master MoBo with AMD 5950x CPU. I've had good experience with Areca HW RAID controllers over the years with spinning drives. It looks like for M.2 NVMe I have the choice of...
  3. I

    [SOLVED] RAID card for RAID 10?

    I am relatively knowledgeable in the PC building space, but little experience. In my new build I want to fiddle around with RAID a bit just for the fun of it. I want a mix of redundancy and increased speed for my hard drives. From what I could find, which most of it is from 6+ years ago, you...
  4. dskessler

    [SOLVED] RAID 5 will not complete rebuild. Drives seem fine.

    I have a Highpoint Rocketstor6124V Controller configured to RAID5. 4, Ironwolf NAS 8TB disks. Running Windows 10 The RAID worked fine for about a week and then out of nowhere, needed to rebuild. Highpoint's GUI is showing no disk errors. Rebuild stops after about 10 minutes. "Disk...
  5. K

    [SOLVED] Accidentally erased data creating a RAID5

    Hello there! First of all, I'm very noob with RAID. I wanted to create a RAID 5 with 3 hard drives. I had 2 of them with data (2TB and 4TB). I bought another one of 8TB and I thought of creating a RAID5 through BIOS. I didn't know that RAID will delete all my existing data and I went ahead and...
  6. W

    Question RAID migration query to new motherboard

    Hello All, My first post here, I'm hoping to get a better understanding of an issue that I have been faced with. I had a 4x 4TB WD Red drive array running in RAID5 on a ASRock Rack C2750D4I mobo, unfortunately for me the board died and I now need to purchase a replacement, hoping that I can...
  7. G

    Question Copy Video From SSD Crawls To A Halt

    So I am trying to copy some video clips from an SSD to a RAID5 array on Win 10 about 15Gb. The copying starts out well at about 350Mb/sec then after about 30sec the speed drops to a puny 1.5 Mb/s or 2 at most. Can this be an SSD or a RAID5 array issue? How can I test this? Thanks! Gabster
  8. F

    Installing Windows 7 when I already have 8.1 on another Hard drive?

    I have a Acer desktop with two hard drives and I would hope it is as easy as just buying a Windows 7 disc and choosing the hard drive I install to, but I have been told that things like GPT or UEFI on my current hard drive, or installing raid when I do the install could all cause problems...
  9. Terry Holland

    Can launch only few Apps with my Desktop Pc & Browser can't connect to Web.

    In last night before went to zzz was going to check emails and some game news with my Desktop Pc from Pc Gamer website,but browser didn't get connection to net even Steam was Online and Laptop next to me online as well. Laptop is connected to Modem with Ethernet Cable and was working so went to...
  10. B

    Crossfire need HELP!

    Hello. I'm new to the forum and not very good in the PC world. I'm trying to CF radeon 7970 and r9 280x (7970 as the master). My pc crashes when I launch a game off of steam. My question is.. Do I need to swap the cards around (280x as master)? I'm not too sure on the CF bridge cable. It is...