ram increased

Forum discussion tagged with ram increased.
  1. I

    [SOLVED] Installed 2 more ram sticks, now boots extremely slow and occasionally restarts

    having an interesting problem here... I installed 2 more 8gb ram sticks and now my boot times are extremely slow and at least once or twice per session (gaming, photoshop, premiere, web browsing, streaming video, web browsing with copious amounts of chrome tabs open/also doing one of the...
  2. C

    SSD write speed is suddenly less than 10 MB/s. What the hell happened?

    So I was sitting here trying to install the Witcher 2 from Steam when I notice a massive performance hit in windows. To my amazement my SSD is at a constant 100 percent which explains the slow down. I look at the download speed in Steam and it's only at 2 MB/s. That combined with chrome running...