ram limit

Forum discussion tagged with ram limit.
  1. J

    [SOLVED] 4GB of DDR2 RAM read only as 2.5GB - how to fix?

    So I have this old office PC that had a single stick of 1GB DDR2 RAM, and I decided to upgrade to 2 sticks of 2GB RAM. But for some reason, the BIOS only reads 2.5GB of this. What I've done so far: Installed Windows 10, 64-bit version, to remove any chance of OS limitations. Still 2.5GB...
  2. R

    repair windows 7

    cannot repair windows 7 ultimate 64 bit; have installed it and been using it for the past 2 months and now it starts up telling me to repair but i tried, even with the installation CD but same is not working.