ram not working

Forum discussion tagged with ram not working.
  1. ak195

    [SOLVED] 1600mhz Ram Failed to run on Second Gen. board but after 1 year

    Hi, there's a problem arises after 1 year and almost 6 months, that is my 4GB Ram is not working. I know the problem, which is I was using 1600mhz ram on my i5-second generation laptop. Two rams were attached, first is 2gb 1333mhz and second is that 4gb 1600mhz. But can anyone tell me why it...
  2. Vlad C Andrei

    Samsung SSD 840 Over Provisioning

    I want to know what is the problem with that message (check black box) and how can i remove it. http://img.techpowerup.org/140823/Capture004600.jpg
  3. S

    New graphics card that wont give me a bottleneck

    Hello this is my second time on this thread and i had this question itching because you guys probably know the answer to this. What graphics card can i be that'll work with a pcie 1.1 and 300 watt psu. Something that gives the most kick for it's dollar. I have an intel core 2 duo 2.5 ghz and...