RAW Partition Recovery

Forum discussion tagged with RAW Partition Recovery.
  1. Gazownik

    Question Old external HDD - WD MyBook Essential 2TB - controller problem

    Hello, Lately, my external HDD WD MyBook Essential 1140 (2TB) just stopped being recognized by my PC or any other device. At first, I thought it might be a USB error, but after connecting it to a laptop, smartphone and tv, the result was the same. I disassembled the drive and connected it...
  2. D

    Question How to recover partition path

    I accidentally deleted path of a partition and unable to recover now
  3. N

    How come whenever I try to download window 10 on my dell latitude 2100 it starts out downloading good then laptop reboot and t

    On a dell latitude 2100 laptop when try to down load window 10 on it it reboots then say an area has accrued what could cause this and plus the light in front where it shows battery and other icon blink blue