not reading disc

Forum discussion tagged with not reading disc.
  1. L

    [SOLVED] External hard drive does not recognize

    Hi, I have a 2T Fantom external hard drive used for a few years. It was good, but just can't be recognized today. The phenomenon is: My laptop's USB port all good for other USN key or hard driver; This HD can't be recognized by two of my laptops one Win7 and one Win10, but it is starting...
  2. N

    [SOLVED] Bios only detecting 1 of my 3 drives

    Hello, I recently got a new motherboard and case, and I put all of my previous components into the two. Install was a breeze, but when I tried booting up my computer, there were no drives under boot priority despite having 3 drives installed. After some messing around, I got it to see my M.2...
  3. Carter McGee

    Question I can't boot up my PC. And if I do almost everything is ”Not Responding”

    My computer has been working fine from the time I built it (1 week ago) until today. It posts but it doesn't load up to where I sign in. I would then go into the boot setting and will not change anything and will just click save and restart. After 5 min of waiting it then loads up to where I...
  4. O

    Hey im gonna build my first computer and i wonder if theese items will fit an be good

    Hey im gonna build my first computer and i wonder if theese items will fit and be a good base for a new good OP gaming pc? i will buy a better graphics card after a while but this is what i thought of starting with == video card: EVGA GeForce GTX 760 2GB PhysX CUDA "SC" processor: AMD FX-8350...