refreash rate

Forum discussion tagged with refreash rate.
  1. dystopia11111

    Question Choppy/laggy motion on high fps

    Hello! I have a really weird problem that has been happening for a year now. My games (any game, but i mostly play cs) get really choppy unless i use gsync + vsync + low latency mode. Capping the frames does not help (low latency mode caps it but if i do it manually it does not get better). I...
  2. Temp1

    Question New 160Hz monitor is locked at 60Hz with DP cable and 120Hz with HDMI 2.1 cable ?

    I just bought a 160Hz Gigabyte M27U monitor and after setting it up and doing some testing with different cords have found that: 1. Both display ports (one that came with the monitor, and one that came with my old monitor I had used for over 6 years with NO issues, I had ran it at 165@1080 and...
  3. A

    Question LG ultragear LG 27GN750-B intermittent screen blackout

    Hello, I recently purchased a used 240hz monitor of LG ultragear LG 27GN750-B and it is perfectly fine during desktop and browsing. I ve been playing Valorant, initially there was no issue playing at 1440 x 1080 (4:3) @ 240hz in game, all low settings both with freesync on/off using monitor OSD...
  4. M

    [SOLVED] converter (hdmi to vga) affects quality?

    i using simple hdmi to vga adaptor does this adaptor affect quality, resolution, response time ,refresh rate or anything else? my system specs: rx 580 dell-p-P2212H can using dvi-d help quality for gaming? Any help would be much appreciated...
  5. 1

    [SOLVED] 144hz on a Mining rx 470 Powercolor gpu?

    Ok I have a Mining rx 470 Powercolor gpu, and a passive dvi to hdmi adapter that I tested with my back up gpu (gtx 1050) and it got 144hz on my 165hz monitor, so i know the adapter works. But in the display settings on the rx 470 it only shows 60hz, the main reason i bought the adapter is so my...
  6. Shibasish Paul

    Question Can i play below 56 fps games on Lg 22mk600m / Lg 22mp68vq monitor?

    I has been considering buying Lg 22mk600m for my gaming pc. It has the variable refresh rate / vertical frequency range of 56-75 Hz. Which means, It doesn't have lfs. Now, what I am wondering is whether I can play games with fps lower than 56 or not flawlessly. And if any problem occurs, are...
  7. nikos123211

    Question 65 hz display but 60 hz in games

    Hello. I have a crappy display (actually a tv) as my pc monitor. I had some issues with overscaling but i found a way to fiz that by going to nvidia's control panel>adjust desktop size and position and resizing the resolution from 1920x1080 to 1804x1014 (there's no an option to fix the overscan...
  8. sopi94

    Question Black screen after setting it at 144Hz

    Hi, I have an Acer Predator XB241 and a RTX 2070. I'm using an HDMI to connect them. When I go on settings to change the Hz I can't see an option for more than 60. When I try to change them from the NVIDIA control panel (as a curstom setting) I get a black screen as soon as I input something...
  9. S


    so hey guys, how can you see my name, my english suck, sorry about it.. Right, my specs are: gtx1050 ti oc, i72600k, 8gb ddr3 hyperex, cooler master hyper t4 and h61m-hg4 asrock mobo. So i guess my monitor is causing tearing in my games... I can play basically any game on high fps, like, above...
  10. T

    Question 1440p monitor, refresh rate etc. questions

    Hello everyone, I have some questions regarding the 1440p monitors. I am going to upgrade to 1440p because the 1080TI is have is wasted on the 1080p monitor i currently have, and I am a bit confused by the refresh rate of choice. Most people recommend a 144hz refresh rate. Now, the 1080Ti will...
  11. daniel.avital62

    Question HELP PLEASE My Monitor is 144 Hz, but doesn't let me go to 144 Hz That's my monitor ^^ So basically I would go to NVIDIA Control panel after right clicking my desktop, it will not let me change refresh rate above 60Hz, so I made a custom res, and I made it 144 then my monitor says no...
  12. W

    Question Should i overclock my monitor?

    So i have the Asus ROG Swift PG278QR 27 monitor. And out of the box it comes at 144 hz. But it can be overclocked to 165 hz. But when i bought the monitor, some of the employees at the computer section told me to not overclock it. As "it may damage it" Is it safe to overcloc this monitor or...