reliability check

Forum discussion tagged with reliability check.
  1. sloke123

    Question Corsair type 3 SATA cable on RM750x, Sanity check.

    Hi, I have Corsair's RM750x power supply on my server. As the storage needs increase, I was looking for an extra SATA cable for the power supply. In our country, these original accessories are either unavailable or cost a lot (shipping + import duty). But luckily, I found the type 3 cable...
  2. R

    Question Multiple LiveKernel events - - - started PC this morning and it crashed ?

    This morning was unusual. I started my PC then I noticed the monitor was turning on and off and eventually froze and restarted. I checked the reliability history and below I have attached a picture. Reliability History Here are additional codes of the individual issues. I wont post the same...