I reseated my RAM yesterday, but when I turned the PC on, it said it can't post. So I just took the RAM out again, put it back in, and presto, it works normally.
I'm just curious - why does this sometimes happen?
Seems so simple yet it causes a computer to not POST. Just genuinely curious...
As stated above, the lights on my fans, mobo, and GPU light up, but my monitors stay pitch black. I have tried both monitors with DVI and HDMI with both the GPU and mobo yet nothing works. I have tried reseating ram, CPU, GPU, and replugging the power cables. Something leads me to believe that...
So let me start with saying, I have an RTX card now, but a friend of mine who streams with a AMD Athlon hp pc needs a new system, so i plan on giving her the gpu to sell.
The card acted real funny, nothing ive ever seen before. It would prevent boot because the mobo couldnt detect it, but this...