restart to bios

Forum discussion tagged with restart to bios.
  1. Richmond Zedrik

    [SOLVED] Windows 10 Freezing, 100% Disk and Restart to BIOS

    So i have this new built pc, i have it for atleast 1 week already and no problems occured so far but today my pc is running in 100% disk and it freezes after 50-80 secs after opening it. If i restart it it will direct to BIOS, the only way for me to open it again is by pressing the power button...
  2. W

    Monitor tasks freeze when alt tab?

    Hello , so i have 2 monitors and recently installed a gtx 1060 6gb, and this never happened before. Anyway, when i play siege in fullscreen borderless and lets say i play a video / music on my other screen, it freezes 2/3 seconds after tabbing back into the game? It's fairly frustrating because...